Friday, October 10, 2008

Question #6



/* Programmed by Harvey Losin *//* *//* */



int a;char d,p;

const DeLuxe=40,Premeire=60;



printf("\nWhat place in the moviehouse would you prefer to watch? : ");


if(d=='D'){printf("\nHow many of you are going to watch?");

scanf("%d", &a);printf("\n\nThe amount your going to pay is =P= %d",DeLuxe*a);


else if(d=='P'){printf("\nHow many of you are going to watch?");

scanf("%d", &a);

printf("\n\nThe amount your going to pay is =P= %d",Premeire*a);




printf("\n\nThe letter you press is wrong");




Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Intel 8088

The Intel 8088 is an Intel x86 microprocessor based on the 8086, with 16-bit registers and an 8-bit external data bus. It can address up to 1 MB of memory. The 8088 was introduced on July 1, 1979, and was used in the original IBM PC.
The 8088 was targeted at economical systems by allowing the use of 8-bit designs. Large bus width circuit boards were still fairly expensive when it was released. The prefetch queue of the 8088 was shortened to four bytes (as opposed to the 8086's six bytes) and the prefetch algorithm slightly modified to adapt to the narrower bus.
Variants of the 8088 with more than 5 MHz maximum clock frequency, include the 8088-2, which was fabricated in Intels new enhanced nMOS process called HMOS and specified for a maximum frequency of 8 MHz. Later followed the 80C88, a fully static CMOS design, which could operate from DC to 8 MHz. There were also several other, more or less similar, variants from other manufacturers. For instance, the V20 was a slightly faster pin compatible variant of the 8088.
The descendants of the 8088 include the 80188, 80186, 80286, 80386, and 80486 microprocessors which are still in use today. See below for a more complete list.
The most influential microcomputer to use the 8088 was, by far, the IBM PC. The original PC processor ran at a clock frequency of 4.77 MHz (4/3 the NTSC colorburst frequency of 3.579545 MHz). Depending on the model, the Intel 8088 ranged from 0.33 to 0.75 million instructions per second

Monday, October 6, 2008

Question #5

Question #5:
Research in the net the most recent assembler. Describe its history, nature and applications. Evaluate this assembler from its predecessor.

1.) VIC-20
The VIC-20 debuted in June of 1980 at the Computer Electronics Show but its development started almost by accident two years earlier. Commodore engineered and manufactured the "Video Interface Chip 6506" or VIC1 for the video game market which was beginning to collapse. After not being able to sell the chip, Commodore developed the VIC-20 as an inexpensive home computer. Between early 1981, when the VIC actually hit store shelves, and the first few months of 1985, when the last VIC production line was shut down, it had sold more than 2.5 million units. It had an very impressive peak daily production of 9000 units and was the worlds first computer to sell more than 1 million units.There are reports that during its development it was called the MicroPET. and there is a lot of debate over the origins "20" portion of the VIC-20 name. The Commodore Executive responsible for the VIC's development, and the author of The Home Computers Wars, Michael Tomczyk, stated repeatedly that he choose the name simply because he thought it "sounded good". The assembler supported the usual symbolic addressing and the definition of character strings or hex strings. It also allowed address expressions which could be combined with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logical AND, logical OR, and exponentiation operators.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Question #4

Question#4: Justify what situations or applications programmers will rather use Assembly Languages than Higher Level Progamming Languages and vice versa.

Many programmers choose assembly language because of its, common application today it has a direct hardware manipulation, access to specialize processor instruction and for address critical performance issues and quiet small compared in the high-level languages because its indicates that one generally doesn’t choose assembly language. However, there are situations where it may not be convenient, efficient, or possible to write programs in high-level languages. Assembly language has a number of advantages over machine code aside from the obvious increase in readability. One is that the use of symbolic names for data and instruction labels frees the programmer from computing and recomputing the memory locations whenever a change is made in a program. Assembly language has typical type of uses: 1. device drivers 2.low-level embedded system 3. red-time system and ect.

Question #3

Question#3: Research in the net what is the best assembler and why.

FASM is the best and good assembler because it is known as the fast speed. FASM is a multi-pass assembler. It makes extensive code size optimization, and allows more forward referencing. A usual FASM construct is defining data or procedures only if they are used somewhere in the code, something that in most languages is done per-object by the linker. FASM or Flat Assembler is a free and open source Intel-style assembler supporting the IA-32 and x86-64 architectures, size optimizations, OS portability, and macro capabilities .It is a low-level assemblerand uses few command-line options.FASM contains bindings to the Windows GUI and OpenGL.